Key West Pride Vendor Guidelines and Application

Saturday, June 28th, 2025, 4 pm – 9 pm. Set-up 1-3 pm.

Producer: The Key West Pride Street fair is presented by the Key West Business Guild (305-294-4603).

Schedule: This one-day street fair will be held on Saturday, June 28th, 2025, from 4-9 pm, in the 700-900 blocks of Duval Street in Key West FL.

Deadline: Applications must be submitted with payment by 5pm on May 26, 2025.

Space: Exhibitor spaces are 10’ x 10’ in size. Multiple spaces are available. Each exhibitor is responsible for tent, table,chairs, etc. Exhibitor MUST remain in their assigned spot, that includes equipment and merchandise. Exhibitors may NOT block any part of the city sidewalks. All structures must fall within the City of Key West safety guidelines and must fit within the assigned space. Exhibitors are expected to follow instructions of Key West Pride Organizers, City Staff, Key West Police Department and Fire Department. No structure may exceed 15’ in height. A tent or appropriate covering is required.

Payment: Payment is due in full of the submission of the application. Payments can be made by credit card, check, or money order. Cash payments accepted in person at Key West Business Guild Office (808 Duval St.). Receipts issued only by request. A $75 late fee will be charged for any application received past the deadline. Returned checks will be subject to a $50 fee.

Cancellations: You may cancel your vendor application at any time prior to 5pm on May 3rd and expect a refund of all fees paid, minus a 25% processing fee. This refund will be paid within two weeks following the event. CANCELLATIONS MADE AFTER 5 P.M. May 3rd WILL NOT BE REFUNDED.

Check-In/Strike: The street will be closed by the City at 7 am, at which time vendor spaces will be marked. Vendors will be given access for set-up from 1-3 pm. Please do NOT arrive before 1 pm. All vehicles must be out of the street fair area by 3 pm. Any assigned spaces not checked-in and occupied by 4 pm on Saturday will be subject to resale by Key West Business Guild with NO refund provided to the original exhibitor. Vendors begin booth breakdown at 9 pm & must be off the street by 11 pm.

Vendor Permits: It is the responsibility of each vendor to obtain any required permits from Florida and/or the City of Key West. Alcohol cannot be sold or distributed during the Key West Pride Street Fair without written permission of the KWBG. FIREARMS, LOADED OR UNLOADED, CONCEALED, OR EXPOSED ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED AT ANY BOOTH OR AREA.

Taxes: Vendors are solely responsible for calculating and reporting to the appropriate governmental agencies all taxes from the sale of applicable items.

Insurance: All vendors must provide their own insurance and agree to hold harmless the Key West Business Guild against any and all liabilities arising from participation in the street fair.

Power: Electric is not provided, nor is it available on Duval Street. Exhibitors may bring their own generator if it fits within the 10’ x 10’ space and meets the KWFD codes.

Please note: Street Fair occurs during daylight hours.

Noise: As a courtesy to other exhibitors, amplified sound from your booth will be prohibited.

Placement: Key West Business Guild has final determination over the placement of all exhibitors.

Trademarks: Key West Business Guild reserves the right to the use of its logos, name, marks, symbols and other intellectual property. Any use of these without express written permission is a violation of this agreement and will result in expulsion from the Street Fair. INCLUDED: Key West Business Guild, GAY Key West, & Key West Pride.

Right of Refusal: The Key West Business Guild reserves the right to refuse a vendor participation in the street fair should the vendor’s product or message be deemed inappropriate, unacceptable, or not in keeping with the mission of the Key West Business Guild, which is to support and promote Gay Key West.

2025 Key West Pride Vendor Agreement

The applicant understands that Key West Business Guild has legal possession and control of the Fair site during the operation of the street fair, pursuant to approved street closure with the City of Key West. The Applicant further understands that the use granted by Key West Business Guild is a LICENSE TO OCCUPY ONLY and is not coupled with an interest in the property and that Key West Business Guild retains the right to terminate this license to occupy at any time during the Applicant’s use if, in the sole determination of Key West Business Guild, (1) the applicant is found to have falsified any of the statements contained in this application; (2) the

Applicant is found to have changed or added to the use described in this application; (3) the Applicant creates a nuisance to Key West Business Guild, its Licensee and/or its Guests; or (4) the Applicants use of the premises in any other way interferes with the orderly, safe and successful conduct of the Fair.

The applicant further agrees (1) to furnish all equipment, inventory, supplies and personnel necessary to the operation of the space; (2) to be checked-in and occupying the space assigned to them by the start of the street fair or risk being considered a “no-show” – with the tacit understanding that any exhibitor “no-show” will not be eligible for a fee refund and the space subject to resale by Key West Business Guild; (3) vendors may be relocated at the sole discretion of Key West Business Guild; (4) to leave the area clean and clear of refuse, MUST follow all current Key West RECYCLING standards; (5) to sell only the items described in this application and to make no changes without the written consent of Key West Business Guild; (6) to refrain from radio, cable, web, or other transmission of any kind from the site without express written permission of Key West Business Guild; (7) to confine all sales activity to the location assigned by Key West Business Guild; (8) to provide all requested support documentation with the understanding that access to the Fair site will be denied without it; (9) to adhere to the Key West Fire Department Vendor Regulations; (10) to indemnify or hold harmless Key West Business Guild against any and all liabilities arising from the conduct of the operations covered by this Contract.

Furthermore, the applicant is solely responsible for calculating and reporting to the appropriate governmental agencies all taxes arising from the sale of applicable items. Fees are non-transferable, and no booth space may be reassigned or shared with a third party

* By submitting my order below I show that I have read and clearly understand the information contained in this Application and agree to the responsibilities and expectations described in the Vendor Guidelines and Contract, as a participating vendor at the Street Fair.

Food Booth and Vendor Regulations

Key West Pride 2025 June 22-29, 2025
Key West Business Guild, 808 Duval St., 305.294.4603

  • Vendor Booth Construction and Location

    1. Each vendor booth shall have at least one exit way, minimum 3 feet wide by 6′ height (booth frame shall not intersect exit path).
    2. A 60-inch clearance shall be maintained between the cooking surface and any combustible canopy.

  • Butane or Propane equipment:

    1. Tanks must be protected from damage and secured in an upright position and must be located at least 5 feet apart from each other. Shut-off valves must be provided at each fuel source.
    2. No storage of extra butane or propane tanks in booth.
    3. Tanks not in use must be turned OFF.
    4. Unused fuel cylinders shall be stored in a secured position. Unused cylinders must be located 50 feet away from all combustibles. All compressed gas bottles, flammable or non-flammable shall be properly secured to prevent accidental tipping over.

  • Electrical Power:

    1. Generators shall be placed in locations approved by the Fire Marshal’s Office for “special events” use.
    2. Refueling of generators is prohibited during event hours. No extra fuel shall be stored during event hours.
    3. During approved refueling times, no smoking or open flames are allowed within 25 feet.
    4. Extension cords shall be of grounded type and approved for exterior use. Extension cords shall be placed so as not to create a hazard.

  • Charcoal Cooking:

    1. Charcoal cooking must be located in areas away from public access.
    2. Charcoal cooking must be 10 feet away from combustible structures and parked vehicles.
    3. Coals shall be disposed in metal containers

  • Deep Fat Frying/Flambé/Open Flame Cooking:

    1. Deep fat frying is defined as any cooking operation or process whereby the product floats or is submerged in hot oil during the cooking process.
    2. The cook area must not be accessible by the general public.
    3. Deep fat frying equipment must be equipped with a temperature regulating device.
    4. Separation must be maintained with a minimum of 3 feet clearance between deep fat frying and flambé or open flame cooking.

  • Fire Extinguishers:

    Each cooking booth must be equipped with a fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 3A:40B: C. (dry chemical extinguisher)

    1. For vendor booths, the maximum travel distance to a fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A:10B:C must not exceed 75 feet.
    2. Fire extinguishers must be serviced annually and be tagged accordingly.
    3. Each generator must be provided with a fire extinguisher with a minimum 40B:C rating. The extinguisher shall be located near the generator and accessible at all times.
    4. Each cooking booth that is using deep fat fryers must have a 6 Liter Type K (wet chemical fire extinguisher).

  • Miscellaneous:

    Fire Hydrants – Fire Hydrants must not be obstructed at any time for any reason. Streets – Parking is limited, therefore, do not leave your vehicle parked where it will block the street in such a manner as to prevent other vehicles from passing. The above regulations are not inclusive of other general fire safety provisions that may be imposed upon inspection. Any booth not in compliance will be immediately closed.

  • Fire Safety Tips:

    1. Know where the nearest fire extinguisher is located and how to use it.
    2. DO NOT leave cooking operations unattended.
    3. DO NOT wear loose fitting clothing while cooking.
    4. Remove trash accumulation regularly.
    5. Keep combustibles away from heat sources.
    6. Do not spray lighter fluid on briquettes that have been previously ignited.
    7. In case of emergency, DIAL 9-1-1.

For more information, contact the Key West Fire Department directly at (305) 292-8179.

*By submitting and paying for this application, I confirm that I have read and clearly understand the information contained in this Application and agree to the responsibilities and expectations described in the Vendor Guidelines and Contract, as a participating vendor at the Street Fair. I hereby declare that all information herein provided by me is true, correct and complete. And that I have been presented with and have read the above Key West Fire Department regulations. And understand that any violation of these regulations will lead to immediate dismissal from the Key West Pride Street Fair with NO REFUND expected. I also understand that any involvement with the KWFD or KWPD will be an immediate dismissal of the Key West Street Fair, with no refund of fees expected.

*All applications subject to approval by the KWBG Executive Director. Applications are not final until signed by a KWBG Representative. The Key West Business Guild reserves the right to refuse a vendor participation in the street fair should the vendors product or message be deemed inappropriate, unacceptable, or not in keeping with the mission of the Key West Business Guild, which is to support and promote Gay Key West.

*Key West Business Guild staff can be reached at 305-294-4603 or at [email protected]. Key West Business Guild office is located at 808 Duval street.

Apply Online: